Chivalry || Comandos

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Server Documentation

Nombres de mapas:

Objective Mode:

AOCTO-Battlegrounds_v3_P recommended 16-24
AOCTO-Darkforest_P recommended 16-24
AOCTO-Hillside_P recommended 18-32
AOCTO-Stoneshill_P recommended 16-24

Team Deathmatch:

AOCTD-Moor_p recommended 8-16
AOCTD-Ruins_P recommended 16-24
AOCTD-StoneshillVillage_P recommended 8-16
AOCTD-ThroneRoom_P recommended 6-12
AOCTD-Darkforest_XL_p recommended 24-32+
AOCTD-Hillside_P recommended 8-16
AOCTD-HillsidePyre_P recommended 8-16

Last Team Standing:

AOCLTS-Arena3_p recommended 8-16
AOCLTS-Moor_P recommended 16-24
AOCLTS-Ruins_P recommended 16-24
AOCLTS-Ruins_Large_P recommended 24-32+
AOCLTS-ThroneRoom_p recommended 6-12
AOCLTS-StoneshillVillage_P recommended 16-24
AOCLTS-Battlegrounds_Farm_p recommended 24-32
AOCLTS-Battlegrounds_p recommended 28-32+
AOCLTS-Darkforest_XL_p recommended 24-32+
AOCLTS-Hillside_P recommended 16-24
AOCLTS-HillsidePyre_P recommended 16-24

King of the Hill:

AOCKOTH-Arena3_P recommended 8-16
AOCKOTH-Hillside_P recommended 8-16
AOCKOTH-Moor_P recommended 8-16

Free For All:

AOCFFA-Arena3_P recommended 8-16
AOCFFA-Moor_P recommended 8-16
AOCFFA-Ruins_P recommended 8-16
AOCFFA-ThroneRoomXL_P recommended 6-12
AOCFFA-StoneshillVillage_P recommended 8-16
AOCFFA-Hillside_P recommended 8-16
AOCFFA-HillsidePyre_P recommended 8-16

Configuraciones disponibles (UDKGame\Config):

Archivos: DefaultGame.ini or PCServer-UDKGame.ini

Debajo de la sección "[AOC.AOCGame]" encontramos las siguientes configuraciones:

 MapList - List of map names that the server will cycle through
 Perspective Lock - Lock players into one perspective
o PLOCK_None - Players free to use first-person or third-person
o PLOCK_1P - Forced to use 1st person
o PLOCK_3P - Forced to use 3rd person
 fServerTeamDamagePercent - Amount of damage players will do to their teammates.
 bEnableVoteKick - Allow users to vote kick
 bEnableVoteChangeMap - Allow users to vote change map
 bEnableVoteResetMap - Allow users to vote to reset the map
 bOnlyAdminsCanInitiateVotes - Votes can only be started by admins
 bOnlyTeammatesCanVoteKick - If true, only teammates can start a vote kick.
 bOnlyTeammatesAbstainsCountAgainstMinimum - When counting the number of people who voted vs. those who abstained, do we only count abstains from teammates of the player in question? (Like a soft version of bOnlyTeammatesCanVoteKick; enabling both simultaneously is pointless)
 fVoteMinAmountNonAbstainers - The minimum proportion of people who must have voted for the vote to be successful (0.0f to 1.0f)
 fVoteSuccessThreshold- The minimum proportion of people who must have voted Yes out of the total number who voted for a vote to be successful (0.0f to 1.0f)
 fVoteDurationSeconds - The length of time that a vote is held for before it's tallied and decided
 fVoteTallyUpdates - Number of updates to show in chat before the vote is completed. If there's 2, they happen at 1/3 and 2/3 through the vote.
 fVoteEnactDelaySeconds - Time to delay before enacting what was voted on (only for map changes/reset)
 fVoteTimeBetweenVoteKicksAgainstSamePlayer - The minimum time between successvie kick votes against the same player
 fVoteTimeBetweenVotesFromOnePlayer - The minimum time between successive votes initiated by the same player
 fVoteKickBanDurationSeconds - Duration for which a kick vote's temporary ban lasts
 bForceTeamVOIP - Whether or not VOIP is forced to be limited to only talk to teammates
 bRankedServer - Ranked server or not (experience + weapon unlock points not counted on un-ranked servers)
 bAutoBalance - Whether to use the auto-balance provided by the game or not
 fAutoBalanceInterval- How often the autobalance fires.

Debajo de "[Engine.AccessControl]" (si no existe la puedes a�adir)

 GamePassword - password request to join the server
 AdminPassword - password to get admin access

Debajo de "[URL]"

 Port - Port the server uses. Should be unique for each server. (can also be modified via the �port ### in the command line)
 PeerPort - Port. Should be unique for each server.

Debajo de [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]

 MaxInternetClientRate - maximum rate at which the server will send data to a player (in bytes/sec)

Debajo de "[OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.OnlineSubsystemSteamworks]"

 bUseVAC - Whether to use VAC or not
 QueryPort - Port to use for Steam. Should be unique for each server.

Other Important Command Line Arguments There are options you can add after �UDK.exe MAP_NAME?steamsockets -seekfreeloadingserver�.

 -multihome=IP_ADDRESS -- Allows you to bind to a different IP address.
 -Port=#### -- Changes the port the server uses.
 -QueryPort=#### -- Changes the query port Steam uses for this server.
 -log=FOLDER_NAME\LOG_NAME.log -- Allow you to change the folder into which all the server log files are saved.
 -configsubdir=FOLDER_NAME - Allows you to change the folder from which config files are loaded from.
 -maxplayers=### -- Sets the maximum players allowed into the server.

Comandos de consola importantes:


o votekick

o votechangemap
o voteresetmap


o Adminlogin - followed by the server's admin password, allows you to log into a server as an admin.
o Adminlogout - Logs out as admin
o Admin - Followed by any command executes that command on the server.
o Adminkick - Kicks a user. Requires you to type their whole name right now, which kind of sucks. It's a built-in command.
o Adminkickban -Kicks a user and permanently bans them (i.e. puts their IP/NetID in the config file). Also a built-in command.
o Adminchangemap -Changes to a different map. Be sure the map actually exists (see the map list), otherwise you may crash your server.
o AdminRestartMap - Restarts the map.
o AdminChangeTeam -Swaps a selected player to the opposite team.
o AdminChangeTeamDamageAmount - Change team damage amount on-the-fly; from 0.0 (no damage) to 1.0 (full damage)

  • Chivalry, comandos
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